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Simple Marinara Sauce

After many months, yes, finally, a new video!

Please enjoy my latest on how to make a simple tomato sauce which can be adapted and modified and added to  with limitless possibilities!



  1. Pingback: A visit to Dalectables Is In Order | A Delectable Life

  2. A 15 minute dinner that would be perfect for me, the lazy (and inpatient) cook.

  3. I knew it I just knew it: we were joined at the hip once but somehow/someway our Mum sseparated us. Who knew?
    You have the exact same wooden spoon that I use.
    You store your spaghetti in the same container that I do.
    You say frickin'. I say feckin'. Close enough.
    Al dente? I used to date a guy named Al Dente.
    It just goes and goes.
    It is always going somewhere….
    Well done, Lovey D.
    Mick, too.

    • 😀 Not for nothin\’ we get along so well…. Oh… and your spoon is all worn out on one side too? No matter how I try to turn it, I end up on the same side! LOL…

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