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Too Tired To Make Supper

You know those days where the mere thought of making something for dinner gives you the heebie-jeebies?  Well, do not despair, I have a great solution for you.

If, on an energetic day you managed to make my bulk meatballs, then tonight’s solution is even easier!

But let’s say you’ve not made the bulk meatballs but you have breakfast sausages.  All you have to do is cut up said sausages in 1 – 1/2 inch pieces, fry them up and then make the sauce directly in the same pan.

Or, you could take Italian (or other nationality!) sausages, remove the casings and make small meatballs which you then fry up and then make the sauce directly in the same pan.

Here is the 15-minute Tomato Soup Sauce for you:

I decided to splurge a little as I did have some bulk meatballs on hand.  I decided to fry a sliced onion in 1 Tbsp olive oil for added oomph but this step is not a deal-breaker!

I kinda realised I didn’t take my pictures properly and as I’m still in the “Take-pictures-of-what-I’m-making-for-supper stage” and not in the “Take-pictures-expressly-for-the-blog-stage”, so you’ll just have to make do with two pictures to show all the ingredients!

You can remove the meat with a slotted spoon – or not! My mother NEVER removed the meat before making this sauce and just kinda mixed it in and around.  I do the same.  Don’t forget, we are not in the mood to cook today, remember?  Gotta keep it ultra simple!

Pour in one can of tomato soup (I favour Aylmer’s – oh, is it Canadian? – then by all means, use what you can get!), fill said can with water and add to sauce then add remaining ingredients and mix well.

Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for about 15 minutes until sauce has thickened to desired consistency and meat (if using the frozen one) is heated through.

Serve with mashed potatoes (because they LOVE this sauce) and greens of your choice.


Truly delicious and a treat that no one in my household ever says “no” to!

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